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Vacancy Circulars

Advertisement Number Advertisement Title Opening Date Closing Date Detail
GAD/PCA/151/24/03280 Filling up of the post of Chief Engineer HOD on deputation basis in MoPA 27-Aug-2024 11-Oct-2024
SrDyCAO/2023/4256 Filling up of the post of Sr Dy CAO in DPA by absorption through composit method 09-Sep-2024 10-Oct-2024
GAD/P/RECT-CM0/3117 Filling up post of Chief Medical Officer in MbPA by absorption through composite 17-Sep-2024 16-Oct-2024
Admn/7282/I/DyCE Filling up of one post of Dy Chief Engineer under KDS of SMPK 26-Sep-2024 26-Oct-2024
3800/2024 Filling up the Post of Sr Deputy Secretary by Absorption through CM 27-Sep-2024 21-Oct-2024
3789/2024 Filling up the Post of Harbour Master by Absorption through CM 27-Sep-2024 21-Oct-2024
3789/24 Filling up the Post of Harbour Master in Marine Dept by Absorption through CM 27-Sep-2024 21-Oct-2024


Advertisement Number Advertisement Title Post Name Organization Name Method Of Recruitment Closing Date Apply Link
GAD/PCA/151/24/03280 Filling up of the post of Chief Engineer HOD on deputation basis in MoPA Chief Engineer Mormugao Port Trust Deputation 11-Oct-2024
SrDyCAO/2023/4256 Filling up of the post of Sr Dy CAO in DPA by absorption through composit method Senior Deputy Chief Accounts Officer Deendayal Port Trust Composite 10-Oct-2024
GAD/P/RECT-CM0/3117 Filling up post of Chief Medical Officer in MbPA by absorption through composite Chief Medical Officer Mumbai Port Trust Composite 16-Oct-2024
Admn/7282/I/DyCE Filling up of one post of Dy Chief Engineer under KDS of SMPK Deputy Chief Engineer Kolkata Port Trust Composite 26-Oct-2024
3800/2024 Filling up the Post of Sr Deputy Secretary by Absorption through CM Sr Deputy Secretary Visakhapatanam Port Trust Composite 21-Oct-2024
3789/2024 Filling up the Post of Harbour Master by Absorption through CM Harbour Master Visakhapatanam Port Trust Composite 21-Oct-2024