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Vacancy Circulars

Advertisement Number Advertisement Title Opening Date Closing Date Detail
A-12022/1/2024-PE-I Filling up the post of Managing Director Haldia Dock Complex SMPA Kolkata 07-Jan-2025 21-Feb-2025
GAD/5592/D21 Filling up the post of TM by absorption through composite method 08-Jan-2025 08-Mar-2025
Admn/7282/1/Secy/IV Filling up the post of Sr Dy Secretary under KDS of SMPK 09-Jan-2025 10-Feb-2025
Admn/7282/1/FACAO/25 Filling up of one post of Sr Dy Chief Accounts Officer under KDS of SMPK 09-Jan-2025 10-Feb-2025
GA/PS/Secy/2024/227 Filling up the post of Secretary in DPA by absorption through composite method 15-Jan-2025 13-Feb-2025
GAD/PCA/151/25/4406 Filling up the post of Deputy Cheif Engineer in Mormugao Port Authority 16-Jan-2025 03-Mar-2025
RC1/2264/2024/GA Filling up of two posts of Hindi Translator Class III on Deputation Absorption 16-Jan-2025 17-Feb-2025
Rc/5560 Filling up of one post of Senior Deputy Chief Medical Officer in ChPA 17-Jan-2025 17-Feb-2025
GA/PS/SrDyCMO/25/241 Filling up the post of Sr Dy CMO in DPA by absorption through composite method 18-Jan-2025 15-Feb-2025
Admn/6497/C/DMD/CH25 Filling up the post of Chief Hydrographer by Deputation under KDS of SMPK 20-Jan-2025 20-Feb-2025
Rc/4578/24 Filling up of one post of Executive Engineer Electricals in ChPA 23-Jan-2025 22-Feb-2025
HDC/RECT/2025/02 Filling up of the post of Sr Dy Manager Administration under Haldia Dock Complex 29-Jan-2025 28-Feb-2025
GAD/P/RECT-SDScy/360 Filling up post of Sr Dy Secy by absorption through Composite Method in MbPA 27-Jan-2025 25-Feb-2025
GAD/P/RECT-HODTM/348 Filling up the post of TM HOD by absorption through composite method in MbPA 27-Jan-2025 25-Feb-2025
GA/PS/FACAO/24/316 Filling up of the post of FACAO in DPA by composite method extension of date 24-Jan-2025 09-Feb-2025
206 Filling up of the post of FA and CAO at Paradip Port Authority 29-Jan-2025 03-Mar-2025
2264/2024 Filling up of two posts of Hindi Translator Class III in GA Dept ChPA 30-Jan-2025 28-Feb-2025
RC1/0173/2025/GA Filling up of the post of Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer Elec in ChPA 05-Feb-2025 04-Mar-2025
RC1/097/2025/GA Filling up of the post of Materials Manager Dy HOD in MEE Dept ChPA 05-Feb-2025 04-Mar-2025
RC2/5629/2022/GA Filling up of the post of Marine Engineer in ChPA through Direct Recruitment 06-Feb-2025 05-Mar-2025
RC2/5629 Filling up of the post of Deputy Marine Engineer in ChPA 06-Feb-2025 05-Mar-2025
Admn/3019/A/ENVCELL Filling up the post of Manager Environment by Deputation under KDS of SMPK 05-Feb-2025 08-Mar-2025


Advertisement Number Advertisement Title Post Name Organization Name Method Of Recruitment Closing Date Apply Link
A-12022/1/2024-PE-I Filling up the post of Managing Director Haldia Dock Complex SMPA Kolkata Managing Director Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways Both(AIS & Ports) 21-Feb-2025
GAD/5592/D21 Filling up the post of TM by absorption through composite method Traffic Manager V O Chidambaranar Port Trust Composite 08-Mar-2025
Admn/7282/1/Secy/IV Filling up the post of Sr Dy Secretary under KDS of SMPK Sr Deputy Secretary Kolkata Port Trust Composite 10-Feb-2025
Admn/7282/1/FACAO/25 Filling up of one post of Sr Dy Chief Accounts Officer under KDS of SMPK Senior Deputy Chief Accounts Officer Kolkata Port Trust Composite 10-Feb-2025
GA/PS/Secy/2024/227 Filling up the post of Secretary in DPA by absorption through composite method Secretary Deendayal Port Trust Composite 13-Feb-2025
GAD/PCA/151/25/4406 Filling up the post of Deputy Cheif Engineer in Mormugao Port Authority Deputy Chief Engineer Civil Mormugao Port Trust Composite 03-Mar-2025
Rc/5560 Filling up of one post of Senior Deputy Chief Medical Officer in ChPA Sr Dy Chief Medical Officer Chennai Port Trust Composite 17-Feb-2025
GA/PS/SrDyCMO/25/241 Filling up the post of Sr Dy CMO in DPA by absorption through composite method Senior Deputy Chief Medical Officer Deendayal Port Trust Composite 15-Feb-2025
Admn/6497/C/DMD/CH25 Filling up the post of Chief Hydrographer by Deputation under KDS of SMPK Chief Hydrographer Kolkata Port Trust Deputation 20-Feb-2025
Rc/4578/24 Filling up of one post of Executive Engineer Electricals in ChPA Executive Engineer Elec Chennai Port Trust Deputation 22-Feb-2025
HDC/RECT/2025/02 Filling up of the post of Sr Dy Manager Administration under Haldia Dock Complex Sr Deputy Manager Admn Kolkata Port Trust Composite 28-Feb-2025
GAD/P/RECT-SDScy/360 Filling up post of Sr Dy Secy by absorption through Composite Method in MbPA Sr Deputy Secretary Mumbai Port Trust Composite 25-Feb-2025
GAD/P/RECT-HODTM/348 Filling up the post of TM HOD by absorption through composite method in MbPA Traffic Manager Mumbai Port Trust Composite 25-Feb-2025
GA/PS/FACAO/24/316 Filling up of the post of FACAO in DPA by composite method extension of date FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND CHIEF ACCOUNTS OFFICER Deendayal Port Trust Composite 09-Feb-2025
206 Filling up of the post of FA and CAO at Paradip Port Authority FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND CHIEF ACCOUNTS OFFICER Paradip Port Trust Composite 03-Mar-2025
2264/2024 Filling up of two posts of Hindi Translator Class III in GA Dept ChPA Hindi Translator Chennai Port Trust Deputation 28-Feb-2025
RC1/0173/2025/GA Filling up of the post of Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer Elec in ChPA Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer Chennai Port Trust Composite 04-Mar-2025
RC1/097/2025/GA Filling up of the post of Materials Manager Dy HOD in MEE Dept ChPA Materials Manager Chennai Port Trust Composite 04-Mar-2025
RC2/5629/2022/GA Filling up of the post of Marine Engineer in ChPA through Direct Recruitment Marine Engineer Chennai Port Trust Direct 05-Mar-2025
RC2/5629 Filling up of the post of Deputy Marine Engineer in ChPA Deputy Marine Engineer Chennai Port Trust Direct 05-Mar-2025
Admn/3019/A/ENVCELL Filling up the post of Manager Environment by Deputation under KDS of SMPK Manager Env Kolkata Port Trust Deputation 08-Mar-2025