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Vacancy Circulars

Advertisement Number Advertisement Title Opening Date Closing Date Detail
A-12022/5/2024-PE-I Filling up the post of Deputy Chairperson Deendayal Port Authority 08-Oct-2024 06-Dec-2024
A-12022/5-1/2024-PE Filling up the post of Deputy Chairperson Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority 08-Oct-2024 06-Dec-2024
RC/1335/23/GA Filling up of one post of Dy Chief Engineer in ChPA 25-Oct-2024 15-Dec-2024
6485 Filling up of the post of Chief Engineer by absorption through composite method 01-Nov-2024 30-Dec-2024
6486 Filling up of the post of Deputy Conservator by absorption through composite 01-Nov-2024 30-Dec-2024
GAD/PC-A/151/24/3981 Filling up the post of Sernior Deputye Secretary DY HOD at MPA Goa 07-Nov-2024 23-Dec-2024
Admn/7282/1/FACAO/E1 Filling up of one post of Sr Dy CAO under KDS of SMPK 07-Nov-2024 07-Dec-2024
Rc1/3800 Filling up of one post of Deputy Traffic Manager in ChPA 12-Nov-2024 12-Dec-2024
GAD/P/RECT-CE/4024 Filling up post of Chief Engineer by absorption through composite method in MbPA 22-Nov-2024 21-Dec-2024
GAD/P/SrDyCMO/4181 Filling up post of Sr Dy Chief Medical Officer by composite method in MbPA 09-Dec-2024 22-Jan-2025


Advertisement Number Advertisement Title Post Name Organization Name Method Of Recruitment Closing Date Apply Link
A-12022/5/2024-PE-I Filling up the post of Deputy Chairperson Deendayal Port Authority Deputy Chairperson Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways Both(AIS & Ports) 06-Dec-2024
A-12022/5-1/2024-PE Filling up the post of Deputy Chairperson Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority Deputy Chairperson Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways Both(AIS & Ports) 06-Dec-2024
RC/1335/23/GA Filling up of one post of Dy Chief Engineer in ChPA Deputy Chief Engineer Chennai Port Trust Composite 15-Dec-2024
6485 Filling up of the post of Chief Engineer by absorption through composite method Chief Engineer V O Chidambaranar Port Trust Composite 30-Dec-2024
6486 Filling up of the post of Deputy Conservator by absorption through composite Deputy Conservator V O Chidambaranar Port Trust Composite 30-Dec-2024
GAD/PC-A/151/24/3981 Filling up the post of Sernior Deputye Secretary DY HOD at MPA Goa Sr Deputy Secretary Mormugao Port Trust Composite 23-Dec-2024
Admn/7282/1/FACAO/E1 Filling up of one post of Sr Dy CAO under KDS of SMPK Senior Deputy Chief Accounts Officer Kolkata Port Trust Composite 07-Dec-2024
Rc1/3800 Filling up of one post of Deputy Traffic Manager in ChPA Deputy Traffic Manager Chennai Port Trust Deputation 12-Dec-2024
GAD/P/RECT-CE/4024 Filling up post of Chief Engineer by absorption through composite method in MbPA Chief Engineer Mumbai Port Trust Composite 21-Dec-2024